Building LibreOffice

1. Get the code

$ git clone git://

Grab a cup of coffee!

Receiving objects: 100% (2851664/2851664), 917.96 MiB | 2.67 MiB/s, done.

2. in order to speed up the building process we highly recommend to install ccache and create some links to point g++ and gcc compilers to the ccache binary:

 sudo apt-get install ccache
 ln -s /usr/bin/ccache  ~/bin/g++  
 ln -s /usr/bin/ccache ~/bin/gcc  
 ccache --max-size 32G

If you are using a laptop’s hard disk to build LibreOffice, then it would be a good idea to enable also ccache compression:


3. Download all the dependencies needed to build LO:

sudo apt-get build-dep libreoffice

4. Check that dependencies are filled and that we have a well-equipped build environment


5. Rock and Roll!

make dev-install

Want to read more about the building process? Then, don’t miss this developer oriented webpage or this one.

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